Wednesday, April 1, 2015

All Aboard! (April A to Z Challenge - "A")

All Aboard!

As Johnny Cash sang “I hear the train a comin’, it’s rollin’ round the bend”... so All Aboard! as we embark on a new journey.

I decided I wanted to try something new and write. “They” always say, when embarking on a new quest one should surround himself with experts.  Well, we all know that “They” are always right (at least according to my grandmother), so I did and joined a writing group. Which led to the "April A to Z" challenge of daily blog posts.  I jumped on the train and invite you to ride along with me to see where it will lead. Your ticket is good for the entire month. We might explore fiction, travels, daily life, and who knows what else.

All Aboard! to destinations unknown.

Scarlett Braden
in Cuenca, Living the good life!

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