Saturday, April 9, 2016

H is for Amory Hunter #atozchallenge

H is for Amory Hunter

I'm pleased to be able to help Scarlett with this blog challenge. She said to just tell you little about me, but don't give away the story.  That's not too hard for me. I'm a secondary character, so there is a lot a can tell you about me without giving away the store so to speak.

I'm a character. Haha, I bet you didn't know that did you?  Just kidding, I appear in the first two books of the Providence in Ecuador series. Apparently, there is no providence for me, because I didn't get to go to Ecuador. I bet you would never guess I was always in trouble in school. Back in the old days, they called it being the class clown. Now-a- days they call it being a smart ass. Character...remember I owned it.

I stumbled into the story because I've known Cole since we were kids. See I didn't have much family and my parents died when I was seventeen.  Cole's family took me in and they are the only family I have anymore. I suck at being married. Tried it three times and well at first I blamed it on being a cop. We all know the divorce rate for cops, but the last divorce, I wasn't a cop anymore. Three strikes. I hope I'm smart enough to not try that again.

So when I thought Cole was in some trouble I jumped into the middle of it, because I didn't want any more stress to come to his mama. It turns out there wasn't much I could do to help Cole, but I sure made some good friends out of the situation. It sure could have turned out differently.

It's no secret I love to eat. I'm from the south and let's face it there's just nothing better than some fine southern home cooking. Unless you go to Louisiana. It was a great day for me when I got to go to New Orleans. Beignets, pralines, gumbo, cornbread, mmm mmmm, I was not lacking for fine cuisine.  That Missy is a pretty good cook. Staying in her house was like something out of a book too. I must have lived in New Orleans in some past life. I sure do like it there.

They told me to keep it short, they said you have lots of blogs to read with this A to Z challenge. You seem right nice, though, I could have kept talking to you all day. But I understand you have other places to be. Let me help you out a little, if you're hopping around the A to Z here's the list of participants.

Thanks for coming by, I enjoyed talking with you. Come back Monday. They said Isabel will be here from Terror on the Bluff. I haven't met her, but I here she's real pretty and an FBI agent too. What a package, with all due respect of course. Have a great weekend!

Scarlett, Loving life in Cuenca!


  1. I do like what you're doing in these posts. It's always interesting to read something written as a character.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the read and appreciate you coming by.

  2. this is nice. I don't know who this character is, but he sure sounds like an interesting guy. great writing! :>

  3. I like the sound of Armory, sorry he doesn't go the Ecuador though, he would enjoy it. If he likes southern food so much he would probably enjoy food wherever he went.

    1. Hehe, Yes Amory likes all food! Thanks for coming and reading.

  4. I enjoyed reading your post. Funny character, sorry for his failed marriages.

    1. I'm thrilled you enjoyed it, thanks and thanks for coming by and reading!

  5. Hello Scarlett. Thanks for dropping by at my blog, finally had someone visit and comment :) Though I had signed up for the A-to-Z challenge, I couldn't keep up and continued writing Haiku at NaHaiWriMo.

    Loved the humor in your post, a great read this:) Keep visiting.

    1. Thank you for dropping by, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  6. Very cool, all those books you've written...** B O O M** As in W O W, good for you <3 Blessings

  7. Well, this is certainly interesting. I like the way you told this to us. Very nicely done!
    Annie from ~McGuffy's Reader~

    1. Thank you and thanks for stopping by and reading my blog!

  8. Very interesting! I will need to go back and read the rest of your A to Z now!!

    1. Thank you and feel free to browse about as many of the old post as you like! I appreciate you coming by and reading my blog!
