This year my theme is A Goddess' Glossary and we are looking at terms utilized by Goddesses, Priestesses, Shamans and Witches. These are terms that might occur in my new fantasy series, Paisley Cove.

O is for Out-Of-Body Experience
Many of us have heard of Out-Of-Body experiences and for me, before beginning this research, I thought they only occurred in near death experiences.
Recently scientists and neurologists have proven that these experiences do exist and are more scientific in nature than spiritual. A recent report states that we all have these experiences usually multiple times in a lifetime.
For the purpose of our discussion delving into alternate spiritualities and indigenous practices, we think of these experiences as a way to visit different dimensions or lifetimes. Perhaps if you believe you were a mermaid in a previous incarnation, you would like to swim with the dolphins again. Or visit Atlantis, or return to Machu Picchu during the Inca rule, or travel to another galaxy. An out-of-body experience, let's you travel in your mind, while your physical body stays in the present.
If you would like to experiment with this, here is a website with instructions to create your own Out-Of-Body experience.
Don't stray too far!

Tomorrow we talk about why the Pentagram shouldn't be scary at all.
Loving life in Cuenca!
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