Hello, faithful friends and followers.
There's a whole lot of shakin' going on in my life, so I thought I would take a moment and share.
Well, I suppose that could be taken a couple of ways after all, I live in Ecuador. At least once a week the ground shakes, but I never feel it. Mom does and while usually the quakes are early morning or late night I was in the kitchen when she said, my chair is shaking. I stood as still as possible hoping to feel it, but alas I did not. Sure enough, there were two quakes, a 5.5 and a 3.something or other. And of course, the Tungarahua volcana is erupting, but that is far enough away it doesn't impact us here except for oooing and ahhing at the photos. I tried to find photos for you that I could attribute but couldn't find any and to refrain from copyright violations, you can google it. There are great photos and videos.
So what has everything all a flutter for my March? The First annual Cuenca International Writer's Conference is next week! If you are interested you can check it out here:
Also, tonight is live Country Music night at one of my fav restaurants, the Bayou Cafe, my other fav restaurant, the Magnolia Caffe is hosting the Newcomer's Luncheon later this month. And of course, I'm trying to finish writing Terror on the Bluff, Book 3 in the Providence in Ecuador series.
But April is coming, and that means more excitement. I'm preparing now for the April A to Z blog challenge. I did a little housekeeping to the blog page here. How do you like it? Wow, so much has happened since I did the first challenge a year ago. Who'd have thunk?
This year I will be taking a themed approach to the daily blog posts. What is the theme you ask? Well, it's a secret until the theme reveal on the 21st of March...so stay tuned, I think it will be fun.
You want some pictures? My newest photos are of the weird new fruits we are trying this summer. Remember it's summer here.
Pitahaya (Dragon Fruit)- these feel like a rubber ball and then you slice them open for: |
The inside is flesh with seeds. The taste is mild, not too sweet, not tart at all. You can't eat too much though as it works as a laxative. |
Achotillo- Again is a mild flavored, not to sweet, not tart fruit. the white flesh inside has the texture of a gummy bear. |
It has been a beautiful summer here and it's coming to a close with the start of the rainy season, our winter. It's not too bad, there is some sunshine every day and some rain every day. This week it rains most all night, but I don't mind that at all. It's a wonderful thing for sleeping.
Until next time, be happy. Leave the negativity behind like yesterday's trash, that it is.
Scarlett in Cuenca Living the good life!